10-16 February 2025
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Don't forget to check out your February horoscopes in my monthly column in Architectural Digest Middle East.

The 2 of Wands suggests the need to choose between two ventures. In this case, either option requires your full passion and attention. This is not the time to split your focus and your energy. Although both choices are appealing, go with your instincts and you will make the right choice.

Strength is about understanding your drives and passions. By understanding and accepting them, you can use them to achieve your goals. You can become so self-possessed that you move through your life with a quiet strength that doesn’t need to exert itself needlessly, but it is always ready when needed. This card suggests that now is a time to exert that quiet, yet undeniable, strength. Do you know where you want to go in life? This week, do something that scares you.

With the 7 of Wands, someone or something has put a block in your path. Before you can move forward and continue on your journey, you have to face a challenge. You need to be brave, strong and confident. This is not a fight to ignore; there is too much at stake. You cannot afford to give up and must defend yourself.

The Queen of Swords will always tell you exactly how it is. Above all else she admires honesty, and she lives by her commitment to being truthful. She is experienced in the ways of the world, good and bad. She prefers being straightforward and direct. Her observations are candid, but never hurtful. In fact, this Queen has a delightful sense of humour. She likes a good laugh and always has a witty comeback ready. This week, think and feel as this Queen does. For example: Are you being completely honest? Do you see the humour in the situation? Are you getting right to the point? Have you figured out what’s really going on? Say no to the things you really don’t want to do but usually end up doing to please others.

The 5 of Cups shows a time of difficulty and loss. More specifically, it is about how you deal with loss. Every loss initiates change and is an opportunity for growth. Loss hurts because of our emotional resistance to change. This card represents that moment. But it carries a word of advice: look at the wonderful opportunity around you and move forward.

The 6 of Cups is a card of sweetness, kindness and innocence. It holds memories of happy times in the past. It can represent a time of sweet simple joys or it can be something larger. Perhaps a passionate pursuit or beloved creative endeavour that you let go of will return to your life. It could be a sign of someone from your past whom you would welcome back into your life.

The 9 of Swords is about those worries that keep you up all night or wake you suddenly in the early morning hours. Thoughts, worries, guilt, anguish or concerns fill your mind and create havoc. You seem unable to settle your mind. The lack of sleep adds to the situation, making you feel even more vulnerable. Confront your fears as they are not as scary as you have imagined them to be.

The 3 of Swords is one of those dreaded cards in a tarot deck, signifying heartache and disappointment. Life sometimes brings us these moments and this card signifies that. It represents a new, raw pain. It can be a major situation, such as finding your lover unfaithful, or a smaller one, such as cutting and hurtful words from a trusted friend. Swords represent truth and this is a case of the truth hurting very much.

The Queen of Wands is always attractive, often good-looking and has many admirers. Her energy is contagious. She tackles every task with dedication and commitment. She is always upbeat and cheerful – ready to look for the positive in the situation. Her life is full and busy, and she prefers it that way. She keeps up this pace because she is radiantly healthy and fit. She is often a good athlete, being naturally strong and coordinated. Although she’s never arrogant, the Queen of Wands has a deep faith in her own abilities. Her quiet self-assurance comes from the knowledge that she can accomplish whatever she sets her mind to. This card asks you to think and feel as she does. For example: Do you feel attractive? Do you believe in yourself? Are you full of energy? Can you shake off the blues? Are you gung ho about life?

The 8 of Cups represents a very small but powerful moment in time. You’ve decided to leave something comfortable behind and you’ve come to terms with that. You’ve decided what dream you’re moving towards. This moment, the one where you finally turn your back forever and before you take the first step, is the 8 of Cups. It can be such a conflicted moment, filled with sadness over leaving, yet knowing you are doing the right thing. You no longer need to be linked to this difficult person or situation – but walking away requires great strength and courage. Are there any relationships or values draining your energy from which you need to walk away?

The Ace of Cups represents a gift of love. This can take the form of a new romantic interest, a creative desire or a spiritual awakening. At this time, your life is filled with possibilities and abundant, joyful emotions. All you need to do is embrace the moment and use that energy for the start of something wonderful.

The Knight of Cups’ sensitive style is involved in a situation as an aspect of you, someone else or the atmosphere in general. Follow your heart and see where it takes you. Instead of dreaming, get up and do what your heart desires. Do you express yourself fully to people around you, even the ones that you are close to? If not, what holds you back? Tell someone how you really feel this week.
Have a great week!
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