10-16 March 2025

10-16 March 2025

March 09, 20255 min read

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tarot guidance and pick-a-card readings.

Don't forget to check out your horoscopes in my monthly column in Architectural Digest Middle East.



The Wheel represents an unexpected change in your plans, a conflict of interest or an idea ready to materialise. Whatever happens will be beyond your control. This card advises you to get ready for something new. Don’t be rigid with your plans at this time, but prepare to go with the flow. Take any events that occur in your stride, whether they are positive or negative. If things are good, enjoy! If things aren’t so good, know that it will not be forever.



The Page of Swords represents someone who is curious and wants to know everything. This card suggests you open up your thinking. It is an ideal card for problem-solving and thinking out of the box. Look out for messages about problems, solutions and perhaps some gossip. Be patient and don’t rush into anything. Listen to what people have to say with a rational head – don’t take things too personally.



The 2 of Wands suggests the need to choose between two ventures. In this case, either option requires your full passion and attention. This is not the time to split your focus and your energy. Although both choices are appealing, go with your instincts and you will make the right choice.



The 9 of Pentacles represents the achievement of good things. Not only have you prospered, but you’ve done so in a way that you feel good about. You appreciate and cultivate the best of everything life has to offer, physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. This card can also indicate the enjoyment of simple but decadent physical pleasures and treats.



The Queen of Pentacles is very down-to-earth. She loves to garden, cook, bake, sew or anything that can make her environment more beautiful, comfortable and efficient. And she is good at everything she does. She loves to make plans and lists. She is practical and efficient. She can run the perfect household or a successful business with equal grace. While she enjoys external recognition, she gets even more satisfaction through accomplishing her projects. She can become too focused on the material world… The Queen of Pentacles asks you to think and feel as she does. For example: Are you feeling warm and caring toward others? Are you being sensible? Have you been true to your word? Do you feel generous? Can you be counted on when times are tough?



The Ace of Pentacles brings with it the gift of luck, an opportunity for material gain or improved health. It is solid and grounded and represents something practical and dependable. This is the seed of good things to come. Use the energy of this moment to start a new project, make a small investment or start a fitness programme. You have the opportunity to grow something wonderful. This card can also represent the arrival of some unexpected money or material item.



The Page of Pentacles is industrious, crafty and earnest about saving money. This Page likes to learn new things and enjoys structured learning, classes, workshops and programs – look out for events that interest you. You can be clever and creative in finding little ways to earn extra income. Look out for messages about money, resources, material matters and health issues. Say yes to any opportunities that come your way.



The Death card rarely refers to physical death, which is some comfort. Death, whether physical or metaphorical, is not an easy experience. This card implies the end of something, perhaps a job, a relationship, a situation, an organisation. The actual ending will likely be hard, but once it’s over the cycle continues and something new will come. On the other hand, it may be a welcome closure, such as ending a bad relationship, quitting an unhappy job or selling a house to get a new one. On a spiritual level, this can mean a symbolic death where you eliminate old beliefs that no longer work for you and perhaps were holding you back. Death is usually hard, but it must happen before transformation or resurrection occurs.



Strength is about understanding your drives and passions. By understanding and accepting them, you can use them to achieve your goals. You can become so self-possessed that you move through your life with a quiet strength that doesn’t need to exert itself needlessly, but it is always ready when needed. This card suggests that now is a time to exert that quiet, yet undeniable, strength. Do you know where you want to go in life? This week, do something that scares you.



The King of Pentacles indicates that, for some of you, your hard work has paid off and you are financially secure. You may need to play the role of provider to someone, either personally or professionally. It may be that a project comes up which requires you to use facts and figures instead of your creative side. For others, if you are having financial issues, draw up a realistic plan of action on how to make use of your resources. Set your priorities straight. If you haven’t already done so, look into making your will.



The Page of Cups is Cupid bringing you opportunities for love. He delivers real chances to experience romance, deep feelings and the inner life. In readings, this Page suggest that an opening may appear that stirs your emotions, pulls at your heartstrings or brings you great joy. When you see such a chance, act on it! Take some time out to do something creative, maybe read a book about poetry, sign up for an art class or spend some time with a child and let out your own inner child. Have fun!



The 3 of Swords is one of those dreaded cards in a tarot deck, signifying heartache and disappointment. Life sometimes brings us these moments and this card signifies that. It represents a new, raw pain. It can be a major situation, such as finding your lover unfaithful, or a smaller one, such as cutting and hurtful words from a trusted friend. Swords represent truth and this is a case of the truth hurting very much.

Have a great week!

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