13-19 January 2025
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The Hermit is about seeking the truth. Your truth. You need to withdraw from a situation for a time. Use this time to review all your knowledge, understanding and experience. When you figure out how it all works together, you will have the answer you need. Be careful that your solitude is not you hiding away from a situation or that you are hiding because you’re too proud to ask for help.

The 9 of Swords is about those worries that keep you up all night or wake you suddenly in the early morning hours. Thoughts, worries, guilt, anguish or concerns fill your mind and create havoc. You seem unable to settle your mind. The lack of sleep adds to the situation, making you feel even more vulnerable. Confront your fears as they are not as scary as you have imagined them to be.

The 4 of Cups represents self-absorption, apathy and boredom. You may have been disappointed by someone or something and now you are emotionally stuck. You don’t like what’s in front of you and you can’t be bothered to look further than your own brooding mind. It’s a shame because if you listen to the voice of wisdom, you will look up and see that what you need is not far away. You need something to focus on that will so engage your mind and heart that your path becomes clear again. Open yourself to your surroundings. How about saying yes to every opportunity that comes your way?

The Knight of Cups’ sensitive style is involved in a situation as an aspect of you, someone else or the atmosphere in general. Follow your heart and see where it takes you. Instead of dreaming, get up and do what your heart desires. Do you express yourself fully to people around you, even the ones that you are close to? If not, what holds you back? Tell someone how you really feel this week.

The Empress shows a time of natural growth. Your role is to nurture without forcing or neglecting your project. Pay attention to where you are in the cycle of your project or situation and take the proper steps. There is great potential for abundance if good care is given. This may require action on your part or it may require a time of waiting. The Empress encourages you to strengthen your connections with the natural world – keep your feet planted firmly in the Earth. She offers an array of delights – food, pleasure, beauty. She also suggests material reward but only with the understanding that riches go with a generous and open spirit.

The 7 of Cups represents having too many choices, all of which seem very appealing to you. You are spending time dreaming about them, imagining what each would be like. Still, you cannot pick one. This card includes a hint that might help. You are drawn to these choices emotionally. Set aside those emotions for a moment and invite a little reason into the picture. While emotionally appealing, some of the choices may not be good for you. Choose wisely.

The 2 of Cups promises a strong and passionate relationship. Such a relationship brings beauty and power to life. While this can be a romantic relationship, it can also mean any such union of people, groups, ideas or talent. The key here is the coming together of two things that creates a third thing that is, in and of itself, powerful, beautiful and passionate. Let your most important relationships know how much they mean to you.

The 4 of Swords suggests that you have situations, troubles or problems that need resolution. However, this is not the time to deal with them head on. Rather, it is a time to take yourself away, calm down and heal a bit, so that you can approach your issues refreshed. Quiet, peaceful reflection and meditation will bring clear insight so that you can handle the situation to your benefit. Spend time alone and meditate to release the tension in your body. Do anything that lets you relax and just ‘be’.

The World is about big achievements. It promises the wonderful conclusion of long-term projects and the realisation of goals. Success, completeness, satisfaction and fulfilment are woven into your life. It’s time to fully close the door on the past and move to the next stage of your life. This card can also indicate major trips and extensive travel.

The Page of Cups is Cupid bringing you opportunities for love. He delivers real chances to experience romance, deep feelings and the inner life. In readings, this Page suggest that an opening may appear that stirs your emotions, pulls at your heartstrings or brings you great joy. When you see such a chance, act on it! Take some time out to do something creative, maybe read a book about poetry, sign up for an art class or spend some time with a child and let out your own inner child. Have fun!

The 4 of Swords suggests that you have situations, troubles or problems that need resolution. However, this is not the time to deal with them head on. Rather, it is a time to take yourself away, calm down and heal a bit, so that you can approach your issues refreshed. Quiet, peaceful reflection and meditation will bring clear insight so that you can handle the situation to your benefit. Spend time alone and meditate to release the tension in your body. Do anything that lets you relax and just ‘be’.

The Tower indicates a major change in your life or belief system. Be prepared for emotional upheaval and distressing events. This bolt from the blue, this event will create a spiritual epiphany that will allow you to eliminate all that is no longer useful or good for you. Lies and half-truths will be revealed. It is a sort of purification. Whatever is solid and good will remain. You will have a foundation that has survived trial by fire and you can rebuild with confidence, once the dust has settled. If you feel that your life is falling apart, notice what false beliefs are being destroyed in the process.
Have a great week!
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