20-26 January 2025
Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tarot guidance and pick-a-card readings.
Don't forget to check your tarot horoscopes in my monthly column in Architectural Digest Middle East.

The Chariot is about victory through mastery. In this situation, there are opposing and conflicting forces, perhaps very powerful ones, that must be made to work in harmony to achieve a common goal. These conflicting energies may be within yourself or external. Either way, it is up to you to harness that energy and guide it to success. Focus and control your emotions or you may find yourself being pulled in many directions.

The 10 of Pentacles represents a strong, secure foundation, usually based on family ties, whether a home or business. It also deals with legacies, received and given. You may either receive a legacy or small winnings to invest for the future. Or you may acquire a home or business of your own, creating security for you and your loved ones. Another possibility is investing in the community in some way, through a scholarship fund or civic improvement. This could play out several ways, but however it does, it’ll be good, prosperous and beneficial to you and your loved ones.

The 3 of Swords is one of those dreaded cards in a tarot deck, signifying heartache and disappointment. Life sometimes brings us these moments and this card signifies that. It represents a new, raw pain. It can be a major situation, such as finding your lover unfaithful, or a smaller one, such as cutting and hurtful words from a trusted friend. Swords represent truth and this is a case of the truth hurting very much.

The Queen of Wands is always attractive, often good-looking and has many admirers. Her energy is contagious. She tackles every task with dedication and commitment. She is always upbeat and cheerful – ready to look for the positive in the situation. Her life is full and busy, and she prefers it that way. She keeps up this pace because she is radiantly healthy and fit. She is often a good athlete, being naturally strong and coordinated. Although she’s never arrogant, the Queen of Wands has a deep faith in her own abilities. Her quiet self-assurance comes from the knowledge that she can accomplish whatever she sets her mind to. This card asks you to think and feel as she does. For example: Do you feel attractive? Do you believe in yourself? Are you full of energy? Can you shake off the blues? Are you gung ho about life?

The World is about big achievements. It promises the wonderful conclusion of long-term projects and the realisation of goals. Success, completeness, satisfaction and fulfilment are woven into your life. It’s time to fully close the door on the past and move to the next stage of your life. This card can also indicate major trips and extensive travel.

The 7 of Cups represents having too many choices, all of which seem very appealing to you. You are spending time dreaming about them, imagining what each would be like. Still, you cannot pick one. This card includes a hint that might help. You are drawn to these choices emotionally. Set aside those emotions for a moment and invite a little reason into the picture. While emotionally appealing, some of the choices may not be good for you. Choose wisely.

The 10 of Cups rarely needs any explanation – the image is one of ideal family life. For you, this card can mean just that. Or it can represent the components of such a life: a safe, comfortable place to live and people, either friends or family, to share your life. It’s about having people to share your joys and support you through your sorrows. When you see the 10 of Cups, know that an end to hostility is possible. If there is fighting around you, it may cease. If you are at war with yourself, you may find peace. This card often signals a time of abundant blessings. It tells you that you can reach for the fulfilment you deserve and it will come to you. Look for ways to realise joy and create peace. You may find the key to happiness in your family. Your family is the group of people you are attached to emotionally – for better or worse! If there is trouble in your family right now, work to restore harmony. The time is right for greater closeness.

The Queen of Pentacles is very down-to-earth. She loves to garden, cook, bake, sew or anything that can make her environment more beautiful, comfortable and efficient. And she is good at everything she does. She loves to make plans and lists. She is practical and efficient. She can run the perfect household or a successful business with equal grace. While she enjoys external recognition, she gets even more satisfaction through accomplishing her projects. She can become too focused on the material world… The Queen of Pentacles asks you to think and feel as she does. For example: Are you feeling warm and caring toward others? Are you being sensible? Have you been true to your word? Do you feel generous? Can you be counted on when times are tough?

The 5 of Swords represents the end of an argument or clash of some sort. The winner is ambitious and may have won by aggressive or less than honourable methods. It indicates a situation where someone has put her needs above the needs of others and is concerned only for his or her own interests. You will know if you are the winner or the one running away. Either way, hold to a larger view of who you are. Find the solution that is best for everyone… including yourself. Apologise to someone you have wronged – don’t let your pride stop you from saying sorry.

The Page of Cups is Cupid bringing you opportunities for love. He delivers real chances to experience romance, deep feelings and the inner life. In readings, this Page suggest that an opening may appear that stirs your emotions, pulls at your heartstrings or brings you great joy. When you see such a chance, act on it! Take some time out to do something creative, maybe read a book about poetry, sign up for an art class or spend some time with a child and let out your own inner child. Have fun!

The King of Pentacles indicates that, for some of you, your hard work has paid off and you are financially secure. You may need to play the role of provider to someone, either personally or professionally. It may be that a project comes up which requires you to use facts and figures instead of your creative side. For others, if you are having financial issues, draw up a realistic plan of action on how to make use of your resources. Set your priorities straight. If you haven’t already done so, look into making your will.

The Fool indicates being at a crossroads. There are a variety of paths you can choose and this card suggests making an intuitive decision, even if it seems illogical. This is a moment for faith and trust, in yourself and in The Universe. Follow your heart and embrace whatever comes your way. If you could start anything knowing it would be successful, what would you do? Start something new.
Have a great week!
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