24 February - 2 March 2025
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Don't forget to check out your February horoscopes in my monthly column in Architectural Digest Middle East.

The 6 of Pentacles deals with giving and receiving. Depending on your situation, this card can have different meanings. If you have a need, that need will be met by a gift, donation or through some unexpected source. If you are seeking aid, such as a scholarship or loan, this card is a favourable omen. If someone approaches you for help, you will find yourself in a position to provide it.

The 10 of Swords says in no uncertain terms that, finally, it’s over. You have fought and worked at it, but you cannot change the situation; there is no fixing it. You may want to try one last time, but you will have to accept that this time you are beaten. It’s a strange moment because you thought you’d feel a lot more pain and distress, but you actually feel calm and peaceful. Deep down, you are relieved you don’t have to fight it anymore. If you’re feeling tired and depleted, book yourself in for a massage or acupuncture to help you release any stress.

With the 7 of Wands, someone or something has put a block in your path. Before you can move forward and continue on your journey, you have to face a challenge. You need to be brave, strong and confident. This is not a fight to ignore; there is too much at stake. You cannot afford to give up and must defend yourself.

The Moon is at once dreadful and beautiful. It represents dreams, instincts, intuition and fears. Its gentle light provides both illumination and shadows. This light can cause things to seem either safer or more dangerous than they actually are. Be prepared to be both frightened and inspired. Carefully separate your intuition from your fears and follow your intuition. Pay careful attention to your dreams at this time as they may hold important messages. Great inspiration is at hand, but it won’t be an easy journey.

The 4 of Wands represents a moment of celebration. Whatever you’ve been working on is showing good signs of success, so take a moment to revel in it. In fact, things are looking so well, you can use some of your gains to lay a foundation for the future, whether it’s building a house, expanding your business, investing or even getting married. Gather friends and family just to have a night out and celebrate life!

The 4 of Swords suggests that you have situations, troubles or problems that need resolution. However, this is not the time to deal with them head on. Rather, it is a time to take yourself away, calm down and heal a bit, so that you can approach your issues refreshed. Quiet, peaceful reflection and meditation will bring clear insight so that you can handle the situation to your benefit. Spend time alone and meditate to release the tension in your body. Do anything that lets you relax and just ‘be’.

The Ace of Wands shows that a bold seed of enthusiasm has been planted in your life although you may not recognise it yet. When the seed sprouts it could take almost any form. It might be a creative idea, a surge of optimism or a need to act boldly. It could also be an offer, gift, opportunity, encounter or synchronistic event. This week be daring and brave. Sometimes you have to risk to get what you want. Seize the initiative and let your enthusiasm take you to new heights. A time of passion is beginning.

The Knight of Wands is impetuous, impatient, generous and ambitious. He is willing to go anywhere and do anything and is happiest when he has a clear goal. He is probably very popular and the type of person people like to be around. On the other hand, he can be unreliable. Because he is impatient and impetuous, he can lose interest in the task at hand and run after the next shiny new challenge. Use this Knight’s energy to your advantage. If you’re in a rut, try something new. If you get bogged down by details, try winging it for a change. Again, on the other hand, if you’re angry and impatient all the time, or cocky rather than confident, it may be time for a change.

The King of Cups is peaceful, sensitive, affectionate and calm. He loves his home and values family and a relaxed home life. He enjoys expressing himself creatively but is even more supportive of others’ creativity, sometimes at the expense of his own. He is generally friendly and caring, a very nice man to have around. This week, take the kinds of actions he might take: respond calmly in a crisis; use diplomacy rather than force; reach out to help someone; accept a different point of view.

The 10 of Wands can be seen as a victory. It signifies that you’ve achieved your goals, but it can also indicate an early ending. This phase of the project is over. You cannot continue in this manner; there is just too much. You feel overworked, overwhelmed and exhausted. This is the time to scale back on your workload. Downsize and delegate. Do whatever you can to lighten the load.

Judgement provides a call. You are being called to face your past before moving on. It is time to acknowledge whatever has happened, accept it, and let it go. You have learned so much and been through so much, you now have the wisdom and strength to free yourself from the past. A time for change is at hand – perhaps a new job, a new relationship or a new way of life. You’re in control and have decided to heed the call. You have the experience and knowledge to move forward. You just have to make your final farewells.

The 9 of Pentacles represents the achievement of good things. Not only have you prospered, but you’ve done so in a way that you feel good about. You appreciate and cultivate the best of everything life has to offer, physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. This card can also indicate the enjoyment of simple but decadent physical pleasures and treats.
Have a great week!
Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? You don't have to!