3-9 February 2025

3-9 February 2025

February 02, 20256 min read

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tarot guidance and pick-a-card readings.

Don't forget to check out your February horoscopes in my monthly column in Architectural Digest Middle East.



The 5 of Swords represents the end of an argument or clash of some sort. The winner is ambitious and may have won by aggressive or less than honourable methods. It indicates a situation where someone has put her needs above the needs of others and is concerned only for his or her own interests. You will know if you are the winner or the one running away. Either way, hold to a larger view of who you are. Find the solution that is best for everyone… including yourself. Apologise to someone you have wronged – don’t let your pride stop you from saying sorry.



The 7 of Swords represents the desire to run lone and free – to abdicate responsibilities and do whatever you please! You sometimes feel that you will be more effective and comfortable on your own. If you do feel inclined to act alone, be sure that this isolation really works for you. Perhaps you’re running from something? Commitment, responsibility, hard work? You could be procrastinating because you just don’t want to deal with a certain situation. Running away and burying your head in the sand is not a solution.



The Ace of Swords is the gift of knowledge and understanding. You can expect a flash of insight or an idea that will help solve a particularly sticky problem or experience a moment of truth. If you want to communicate something with clarity and just the right words, the energy to accomplish that is present at this time. It can also represent a new point of view, discovery or intellectual achievement. Take action on something you’ve been avoiding for fear of failure.



The 3 of Wands indicates great vision and foresight. You have taken an idea and started implementing it. You have laid the groundwork for a new business, enterprise, career or project. You can clearly see your goal. Take a step back and watch for initial responses. Because you’ve done your work well, you can expect to see signs of success.



The Chariot is about victory through mastery. In this situation, there are opposing and conflicting forces, perhaps very powerful ones, that must be made to work in harmony to achieve a common goal. These conflicting energies may be within yourself or external. Either way, it is up to you to harness that energy and guide it to success. Focus and control your emotions or you may find yourself being pulled in many directions.



The King of Pentacles indicates that, for some of you, your hard work has paid off and you are financially secure. You may need to play the role of provider to someone, either personally or professionally. It may be that a project comes up which requires you to use facts and figures instead of your creative side. For others, if you are having financial issues, draw up a realistic plan of action on how to make use of your resources. Set your priorities straight. If you haven’t already done so, look into making your will.



The Knight of Pentacles is like a bulldog – once he bites down, he won’t let go. He’s dogged in pursuit of his goals. He’s a hard worker, has tremendous stamina and is dedicated. Every job is completed down to the last detail. On the other hand, this Knight can be stodgy and dull. He’s not known for his playful sense of humour. Work always comes first and he can be inflexible and obsessive about little details. He refuses to give in, even when he’s wrong (which he’ll never admit). At this time, ask yourself whether this Knight’s energy is helping or hurting you – try to find a happy medium between his two extremes.



The Hanged Man can represent, very simply, sacrifice. You may be asked to give up something for the sake of someone or something else. This card can also indicate the need for a change in thinking of a new point of view. Or it can be a more spiritual activity, one where you give up something of yourself to gain spiritual wisdom. It can also mean, almost literally, a time of suspension, a time where you should do nothing at all. There may be a need for a new perspective – things seem very different when looked at from a different point of view.



The 6 of Swords represents moving from rough to smooth. You are leaving a bad situation and heading towards resolution. Although you are headed in the right direction, this card reminds you to remember the troubles you’ve gone through and to learn from them. They are all opportunities for gaining wisdom. This card can also suggest a trip or change of scenery.



The Moon is at once dreadful and beautiful. It represents dreams, instincts, intuition and fears. Its gentle light provides both illumination and shadows. This light can cause things to seem either safer or more dangerous than they actually are. Be prepared to be both frightened and inspired. Carefully separate your intuition from your fears and follow your intuition. Pay careful attention to your dreams at this time as they may hold important messages. Great inspiration is at hand, but it won’t be an easy journey.



The Knight of Wands is impetuous, impatient, generous and ambitious. He is willing to go anywhere and do anything and is happiest when he has a clear goal. He is probably very popular and the type of person people like to be around. On the other hand, he can be unreliable. Because he is impatient and impetuous, he can lose interest in the task at hand and run after the next shiny new challenge. Use this Knight’s energy to your advantage. If you’re in a rut, try something new. If you get bogged down by details, try winging it for a change. Again, on the other hand, if you’re angry and impatient all the time, or cocky rather than confident, it may be time for a change.



The Wheel represents an unexpected change in your plans, a conflict of interest or an idea ready to materialise. Whatever happens will be beyond your control. This card advises you to get ready for something new. Don’t be rigid with your plans at this time, but prepare to go with the flow. Take any events that occur in your stride, whether they are positive or negative. If things are good, enjoy! If things aren’t so good, know that it will not be forever.

Have a great week!

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