3-9 March 2025
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The 3 of Swords is one of those dreaded cards in a tarot deck, signifying heartache and disappointment. Life sometimes brings us these moments and this card signifies that. It represents a new, raw pain. It can be a major situation, such as finding your lover unfaithful, or a smaller one, such as cutting and hurtful words from a trusted friend. Swords represent truth and this is a case of the truth hurting very much.

The Chariot is about victory through mastery. In this situation, there are opposing and conflicting forces, perhaps very powerful ones, that must be made to work in harmony to achieve a common goal. These conflicting energies may be within yourself or external. Either way, it is up to you to harness that energy and guide it to success. Focus and control your emotions or you may find yourself being pulled in many directions.

The 10 of Swords says in no uncertain terms that, finally, it’s over. You have fought and worked at it, but you cannot change the situation; there is no fixing it. You may want to try one last time, but you will have to accept that this time you are beaten. It’s a strange moment because you thought you’d feel a lot more pain and distress, but you actually feel calm and peaceful. Deep down, you are relieved you don’t have to fight it anymore. If you’re feeling tired and depleted, book yourself in for a massage or acupuncture to help you release any stress.

The 8 of Wands is full of fast-moving potential. You need to be ready to spring into action! Whether you’ve set up things ready for action or you’ve been watching for your opportunity, the moment has come. Things may seem chaotic, but just jump in, maintain your focus, trust your instincts and you should do well. If there’s something you’ve been putting off, this is the time to do it. Stop making excuses and just do it! This card can sometimes indicate getting news or information you’ve been waiting for or quick, unexpected trips.

The 8 of Pentacles is known as the ‘apprentice card’. It means you’ve taken up a new job, craft, art or activity. It’s not an easy road, for being a beginner brings a hard learning curve and tedious repetition until you get it perfect. Because you have a goal and the passion that comes with a new endeavour, it’s likely the bumpy, beginning part of the journey will not discourage you.

The 9 of Cups is a card of happy contentment. Things are good and you like them that way: friends, family, feasting, fun, creative fulfillment and satisfying work. Your life is full and you’re enjoying every aspect of it. This card is often called the ‘wish card’. It’s true; you feel like you have all that you could wish for.

Judgement provides a call. You are being called to face your past before moving on. It is time to acknowledge whatever has happened, accept it, and let it go. You have learned so much and been through so much, you now have the wisdom and strength to free yourself from the past. A time for change is at hand – perhaps a new job, a new relationship or a new way of life. You’re in control and have decided to heed the call. You have the experience and knowledge to move forward. You just have to make your final farewells.

The Knight of Wands is impetuous, impatient, generous and ambitious. He is willing to go anywhere and do anything and is happiest when he has a clear goal. He is probably very popular and the type of person people like to be around. On the other hand, he can be unreliable. Because he is impatient and impetuous, he can lose interest in the task at hand and run after the next shiny new challenge. Use this Knight’s energy to your advantage. If you’re in a rut, try something new. If you get bogged down by details, try winging it for a change. Again, on the other hand, if you’re angry and impatient all the time, or cocky rather than confident, it may be time for a change.

The 9 of Wands implies that you are tired. Exhausted, in fact. You can’t imagine going on one more step. But you are encouraged to do so. Not only are you almost there, but you have the strength to get there. Tap into that core of determination you have and make that final push. All that you’ve set out to achieve is just within your grasp.

The 9 of Pentacles represents the achievement of good things. Not only have you prospered, but you’ve done so in a way that you feel good about. You appreciate and cultivate the best of everything life has to offer, physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. This card can also indicate the enjoyment of simple but decadent physical pleasures and treats.

Strength is about understanding your drives and passions. By understanding and accepting them, you can use them to achieve your goals. You can become so self-possessed that you move through your life with a quiet strength that doesn’t need to exert itself needlessly, but it is always ready when needed. This card suggests that now is a time to exert that quiet, yet undeniable, strength. Do you know where you want to go in life? This week, do something that scares you.

The 3 of Wands indicates great vision and foresight. You have taken an idea and started implementing it. You have laid the groundwork for a new business, enterprise, career or project. You can clearly see your goal. Take a step back and watch for initial responses. Because you’ve done your work well, you can expect to see signs of success.
Have a great week!
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