March 2025

March 2025

February 28, 20255 min read

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tarot guidance and pick-a-card readings.

Don't forget to check out your horoscopes in my monthly column in Architectural Digest Middle East.



The 3 of Wands indicates great vision and foresight. You have taken an idea and started implementing it. You have laid the groundwork for a new business, enterprise, career or project. You can clearly see your goal. Take a step back and watch for initial responses. Because you’ve done your work well, you can expect to see signs of success.



The World is about big achievements. It promises the wonderful conclusion of long-term projects and the realisation of goals. Success, completeness, satisfaction and fulfilment are woven into your life. It’s time to fully close the door on the past and move to the next stage of your life. This card can also indicate major trips and extensive travel.



The 9 of Cups is a card of happy contentment. Things are good and you like them that way: friends, family, feasting, fun, creative fulfillment and satisfying work. Your life is full and you’re enjoying every aspect of it. This card is often called the ‘wish card’. It’s true; you feel like you have all that you could wish for.



The 10 of Pentacles represents a strong, secure foundation, usually based on family ties, whether a home or business. It also deals with legacies, received and given. You may either receive a legacy or small winnings to invest for the future. Or you may acquire a home or business of your own, creating security for you and your loved ones. Another possibility is investing in the community in some way, through a scholarship fund or civic improvement. This could play out several ways, but however it does, it’ll be good, prosperous and beneficial to you and your loved ones.



The 4 of Wands represents a moment of celebration. Whatever you’ve been working on is showing good signs of success, so take a moment to revel in it. In fact, things are looking so well, you can use some of your gains to lay a foundation for the future, whether it’s building a house, expanding your business, investing or even getting married. Gather friends and family just to have a night out and celebrate life!



The 9 of Swords is about those worries that keep you up all night or wake you suddenly in the early morning hours. Thoughts, worries, guilt, anguish or concerns fill your mind and create havoc. You seem unable to settle your mind. The lack of sleep adds to the situation, making you feel even more vulnerable. Confront your fears as they are not as scary as you have imagined them to be.



The Hermit is about seeking the truth. Your truth. You need to withdraw from a situation for a time. Use this time to review all your knowledge, understanding and experience. When you figure out how it all works together, you will have the answer you need. Be careful that your solitude is not you hiding away from a situation or that you are hiding because you’re too proud to ask for help.



The Temperance card suggests that you watch your balance. Take the time to make sure that your reactions, decisions and words are appropriate for the situation at hand. You are advised to practise moderation and patience. This is no time for extreme behaviour or melodramatic gestures.



The 10 of Swords says in no uncertain terms that, finally, it’s over. You have fought and worked at it, but you cannot change the situation; there is no fixing it. You may want to try one last time, but you will have to accept that this time you are beaten. It’s a strange moment because you thought you’d feel a lot more pain and distress, but you actually feel calm and peaceful. Deep down, you are relieved you don’t have to fight it anymore. If you’re feeling tired and depleted, book yourself in for a massage or acupuncture to help you release any stress.



The 7 of Pentacles tells you to take a break. You’ve done all you can do for now. Just like the farmer who has planted, weeded and watered, you must wait for time to do the rest. You cannot force it. This card indicates that your careful efforts, planning, resourcefulness and research will pay off. When the harvest comes, it will be a good one.



The Moon is at once dreadful and beautiful. It represents dreams, instincts, intuition and fears. Its gentle light provides both illumination and shadows. This light can cause things to seem either safer or more dangerous than they actually are. Be prepared to be both frightened and inspired. Carefully separate your intuition from your fears and follow your intuition. Pay careful attention to your dreams at this time as they may hold important messages. Great inspiration is at hand, but it won’t be an easy journey.



The Queen of Swords will always tell you exactly how it is. Above all else she admires honesty, and she lives by her commitment to being truthful. She is experienced in the ways of the world, good and bad. She prefers being straightforward and direct. Her observations are candid, but never hurtful. In fact, this Queen has a delightful sense of humour. She likes a good laugh and always has a witty comeback ready. At this time, think and feel as this Queen does. For example: Are you being completely honest? Do you see the humour in the situation? Are you getting right to the point? Have you figured out what’s really going on? Say no to the things you really don’t want to do but usually end up doing to please others.

Have a great month!

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