I offer several types of personal tarot readings, including Instagram Story Readings and readings via Zoom! Click here to see the list. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for daily tarot guidance and pick-a-card readings.

I’ve also created two decks, one of love messages and one of affirmations, which are available for purchase here.

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The High Priestess is about knowledge that you need and that can be revealed. This knowledge is beyond logic. You must access and trust your intuition if you hope to understand it – relaxation and meditation are the ways to do this. Refrain from action for a while and instead take the time to search within yourself for the wisdom you need to move on. It could also mark the beginning of a spiritual journey. On a mundane level, it suggests sharing knowledge and not keeping secrets. This week, pay attention to the world around you. Look out for any signs or synchronicities and what they are telling you.


The 5 of Cups shows a time of difficulty and loss. More specifically, it is about how you deal with loss. Every loss initiates change and is an opportunity for growth. Loss hurts because of our emotional resistance to change. This card represents that moment. But it carries a word of advice: look at the wonderful opportunity around you and move forward.


The 8 of Wands is full of fast-moving potential. You need to be ready to spring into action! Whether you’ve set up things ready for action or you’ve been watching for your opportunity, the moment has come. Things may seem chaotic, but just jump in, maintain your focus, trust your instincts and you should do well. If there’s something you’ve been putting off, this is the time to do it. Stop making excuses and just do it! This card can sometimes indicate getting news or information you’ve been waiting for or quick, unexpected trips.


The Emperor is about being in control. You are, or you should be, in control of your life, your environment, your body, your temper, your actions. You, and you alone, should be in control of your life at this time. This card gives you permission to be assertive, brave and bold. If you have already built a solid foundation, this card indicates that your goals will be realised. This card could also represent a leader that you admire and want to follow.


Justice represents the importance of your choices. Whatever decision or decisions you make now will have significant consequences in your future, so choose carefully. Rely on logic and reason to make the decision, rather than emotion. If you are experiencing good fortune, this card can be letting you know that your past actions made the good fortune possible. It could represent a legal situation that will be resolved in your favour. This card is also a reminder to balance your physical concerns with spiritual growth.


The King of Pentacles indicates that, for some of you, your hard work has paid off and you are financially secure. You may need to play the role of provider to someone, either personally or professionally. It may be that a project comes up which requires you to use facts and figures instead of your creative side. For others, if you are having financial issues, draw up a realistic plan of action on how to make use of your resources. Set your priorities straight. If you haven’t already done so, look into making your will.


The Queen of Cups has a kind word for everyone and never reacts with anger or impatience. There is a gentleness about her that soothes and calms. Compassion is her watchword. Her reactions to the world are guided by her feelings. She lets her heart lead the way in all matters. Her love embraces everyone and everything. This week, try and think and feel as she does: Are you aware of the emotional climate? Are you feeling loving? Do you trust your heart?


The Devil card is rarely a pleasant one. It suggests bondage or addiction to a dangerous practice, substance, situation or person. Less extreme and less dangerous, it can represent overindulgences of any sort – eating, drinking, sexual activity, staying up late and so on. These may be healthy and this card could serve as a reminder to adopt more moderate practices. Being held captive by your passions might feel like fun for a short time, but such imbalance is never a good long-term plan.


The 7 of Cups represents having too many choices, all of which seem very appealing to you. You are spending time dreaming about them, imagining what each would be like. Still, you cannot pick one. This card includes a hint that might help. You are drawn to these choices emotionally. Set aside those emotions for a moment and invite a little reason into the picture. While emotionally appealing, some of the choices may not be good for you. Choose wisely.


The 9 of Wands implies that you are tired. Exhausted, in fact. You can’t imagine going on one more step. But you are encouraged to do so. Not only are you almost there, but you have the strength to get there. Tap into that core of determination you have and make that final push. All that you’ve set out to achieve is just within your grasp.


Strength is about understanding your drives and passions. By understanding and accepting them, you can use them to achieve your goals. You can become so self-possessed that you move through your life with a quiet strength that doesn’t need to exert itself needlessly, but it is always ready when needed. This card suggests that now is a time to exert that quiet, yet undeniable, strength. Do you know where you want to go in life? Do something that scares you.


The Ace of Swords is the gift of knowledge and understanding. You can expect a flash of insight or an idea that will help solve a particularly sticky problem or experience a moment of truth. If you want to communicate something with clarity and just the right words, the energy to accomplish that is present at this time. It can also represent a new point of view, discovery or intellectual achievement. Take action on something you’ve been avoiding for fear of failure.

Have a great week!

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